Glossary(5 / 66)

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  bawdrons, v. baudrons.
  bawk, a field path.
  baws'nt, white-streaked.
  bear, barley.
  beas', beasts, vermin.
  beastie, dim. of beast.
  beck, a curtsy.
  beet, feed, kindle.
  beild, v. biel.
  belang, belong.
  beld, bald.
  bellum, assault.
  bellys, bellows.
  belyve, by and by.
  ben, a parlor (i.e., the inner apartment); into the parlor.
  benmost, inmost.
  be-north, to the northward of.
  be-south, to the southward of.
  bethankit, grace after meat.
  beuk, a book: devil's pictur'd beuks-playing-cards.
  bicker, a wooden cup.
  bicker, a short run.
  bicker, to flow swiftly and with a slight noise.
  bickerin, noisy contention.
  bickering, hurrying.
  bid, to ask, to wish, to offer.
  bide, abide, endure.
  biel, bield, a shelter; a sheltered spot.
  biel, comfortable.
  bien, comfortable. ↑返回顶部↑
