Glossary(10 / 66)

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  browster wives, ale wives.
  brugh, a burgh.
  brulzie, brulyie, a brawl.
  brunstane, brimstone.
  brunt, burned.
  brust, burst.
  buckie, dim. of buck; a smart younker.
  buckle, a curl.
  buckskin, virginian: the buckskin kye, negroes.
  budget, tinker's bag of tools.
  buff, to bang, to thump.
  bughtin, folding.
  buirdly, stalwart.
  bum, the buttocks.
  bum, to hum.
  bum-clock, beetle, cockchafer, junebug.
  bummle, a drone, a useless fellow.
  bunker, a seat.
  bunters, harlots.
  burdies, dim. of bird or burd (a lady); maidens.
  bure, bore.
  burn, a rivulet.
  burnewin, the blacksmith (i.e., burn the wind).
  burnie, dim. of burn, a rivulet.
  burr-thistle, spear-thistle.
  busk, to dress; to garb; to dress up; to adorn.
  buss, a bush.
  bussle, bustle.
  but, without.
  but, butt, in the kitchen (i.e., the outer apartment). ↑返回顶部↑
