02 科学技术(5 / 7)

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  5. the american scientists plan to invent an unmanned space vehicle to explore the mars.
  6. modern life needs the services of the applied satellites circling the earth on a large scale.
  7. the aerospace technology is a high-tech subject which depends on the support of many other subjects.
  owen just came back from his business trip to hong kong.
  mike: when did you come back from your business to hong kong?
  owen: i came back the day before yesterday. it was a cheerful journey.
  mike: you must have a good time there,right?
  owen: of course, hong kong is a wonderful city. the beautiful scenery of seaside, and the towering buildings, everything there makes me linger on without any thought of leaving.
  mike: can you tell me something about your experience?
  owen: ok, the spot of hong kong which impressed me most was the zhongyin building. it looks like a bamboo. it is said that it represents the sprit of power, vitality and enterprise.
  mike: really nice. i have heard the international finance center in hong kong. is it good enough, too?
  owen: absolutely. it is the tallest building in hong kong. the outer wall of its base is just like the style of the great wall, which represents china.
  mike: it's an ingenious design. hong kong is always a part of the motherland.
  owen: there are also many buildings of ancient style. st john's cathedral is the oldest church building in hong kong. you can feel the profound culture and history of hong kong by visiting the cathedral.
  欧文:也有许多古老风格的建筑。圣约翰教堂是香港最古老的教堂。去圣约翰教堂游玩,可以让你感受到香港的历史和文化。 ↑返回顶部↑
